AI-powered audience growth for podcasters

Promote your podcast trailer on our premium publisher network, reach your ideal listener, and get IAB-compliant downloads for pennies.

Powering the World's Top Podcasts

Why Choose us

The audiencelift Difference

Upload your trailer

Upload your podcast’s “ad creative”

We promote it

We’ll use your preferred targeting location, your Apple Podcasts category, and keywords from your ad description to show your podcast’s ad to new listeners.

Your ad is placed next to content relevant to your podcast’s subject matter and listener profile.

Brand safety is our priority

We have our own Demand-Side Platform (DSP) and only work with highly reputable publishers.

Our traffic is also certified by Cloudflare, so all your trailer plays are consumed by real people.

Push notification subscribers

When someone listens to 50% of your trailer, we present them with the option to subscribe for push notifications.

This is done directly from their mobile device and works across both iOS and Android platforms.
Our AI-driven platform will then begin sending push notifications notifying your subscribers about new episodes that have been published.

At least one push notification goes out within 24 hours of someone subscribing to increase the likelihood of consuming your podcast episode.

Grow your podcast

Listeners who engage with your podcast trailer are then redirected to our in-house podcast player, populated with episodes from your podcast RSS feed.

We’ll automatically sort them based on whether your podcast is Serial or Episodic.

All episode plays that show up in your podcast hosting platform are IAB certified and display as mobile browser downloads.

Why Choose us

audiencelift Case Studies

*Total Downloads were self-reported by the podcaster
**Case study results are not guaranteed and your campaign outcomes and performance will vary. Performance is dependent on a variety
of factors including the caliber of your trailer, podcast genre, investment level and overall quality of your podcast.


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AI-Powered Audience Growth for Podcasters